We lead and consult on ambitious,
long-term brand strategy and development projects.

We lead and consult on
ambitious, long-term brand strategy and development projects.


Since arriving in Bordeaux in 2014, I have accompanied world-leading luxury brands in fine wine, champagne, spirits, hospitality and watchmaking, helping them define and implement their long-term strategic and creative ambitions.

Since arriving in Bordeaux in 2014, I have accompanied world-leading luxury brands in fine wine, champagne, spirits, hospitality and watchmaking, helping them define and implement their long-term strategic and creative ambitions.

Over this time the luxury sector has grown rapidly, while my vision for its future has evolved.

Over this time the luxury sector has grown rapidly, while my vision for its future has evolved.

The term luxury has become increasingly diluted and debased by marketers, whose claims that it can be abundant and accessible lack coherence and are at odds with my convictions.

The term luxury has become increasingly diluted and debased by marketers, whose claims that it can be abundant and accessible lack coherence and are at odds with my convictions.

Today, an undeniable gulf exists between hijacked and genuine luxury, which is likely to grow wider in the decade ahead.

Today, an undeniable gulf exists between hijacked and genuine luxury, which is likely to grow wider in the decade ahead.

Frustrated and spurred on by deepening industry contradictions, I determined to focus my attention solely on brands and products whose exclusivity is natural rather than artificially induced.

Frustrated and spurred on by deepening industry contradictions, I determined to focus my attention solely on brands and products whose exclusivity is natural rather than artificially induced.

Signature Alex Yandell

Founder & Strategy Director

My approach is inspired by fine wine, a product that epitomises timeless luxury, and has forever made people dream.

My approach is inspired by fine wine,
a product that epitomises true luxury,
and has forever made people dream.

Alexander Yandell Consulting


Luxury provides humankind

with an antidote to the ordinary,

by inviting us to dream.

As modern life pulls us further from

Nature, the dream of reconnecting

with it – and with ourselves – is emerging

as the ultimate luxury desire of the future.

Luxury provides


with an antidote

to the ordinary,

by inviting us to dream.

As modern life pulls us

further from Nature,

the dream of reconnecting

with it – and with ourselves –

is emerging as the ultimate

luxury desire of the future.

Alex Yandell Consulting - Background Conviction


It is our luxury to work only with products that inspire us, and people who trust our methodology.
We have developed criteria that guide partnership choices to help guarantee long-term alignment and success.

1. Ambition

We typically work with aspiring small/medium-sized companies that are agile and energetic.

These are often heritage brands or family-owned companies, with a clear sense of purpose.

2. Leadership

We expect direct contact with the CEO, CMO and/or primary investors, particularly at the outset of any project and at key validation stages.

3. Time

Significant strategic branding or re-branding projects require sustained commitment and collaboration. The minimum expected length of a full-scope project is three years.


We believe in leveraging our external viewpoint and cross-sector experience. We approach every project as if through the eyes of a client’s future customer.

We believe in leveraging our external viewpoint and cross-sector experience. We approach every project as if through the eyes of a client’s future customer.

1. Strategy
& Identity

We lead and consult on ambitious, long-term brand strategy and development projects.

1. Strategy
& Identity

We lead and consult on ambitious, long-term brand strategy and development projects.

2. Architecture
& Narrative

We design strong, durable brand architecture that supports truthful narratives.

& Narrative

We design strong, durable brand architecture that supports truthful narratives.

3. Creative

And we offer creative consultancy to ensure impactful and refined implementation.

3.Creative consulting

And we offer creative consultancy to ensure impactful and refined implementation.

Yandell Consulting - Process Vineyards